The corona virus has recently become the talk of the world. All news, like TV, radio, or social media on this one virus. Investigate a calibaration, this dangerous virus apparently originated from Wuhan City, China. Well, what makes me terrified, this dangerous virus turns out to have spread to various countries and hundreds of lives have been lost because of being infected with the virus. Then what about you who already have plans for traveling abroad this year? Don't panic, here we will discuss safe tips to prevent contracting the virus while traveling ...

1. Consult a doctor first

It is important and do not be underestimated before traveling abroad, i.e. consult a doctor first. It's good, this consultation is carried out 4-8 weeks before the trip, especially if you want to stay weeks in the destination.

But, because there are also people who are superduper busy and don't have a consultation, they can still consult at the last minute when they want to go abroad. This consultation will definitely make you more aware of viruses that may be contagious, especially corona viruses. In addition, doctors can also determine the types of vaccines and medicines that your body needs.

2. Don't Forget to Always Wear a Mask

You should wear a mask when in the same room as other people and when you visit public places. If you can't wear a mask, the people who live with you should wear it when they are in the same room as you.
this can prevent exposure to viruses contained in the air

3. Wash your hands frequently with soap in running water

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap and water are not available and if your hands don't look dirty. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your unwashed hands.

4. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough or sneeze on your sleeve. Discard used tissue in the trash and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

5. Get enough rest and eat nutritious food

Not everyone who is infected with the virus is ill or dies. There are also people who recover because of their immune condition and good health services. So that your body's immunity is maintained and the body remains in top condition so you don't need to rest and don't eat nutritious food. Because, if you travel in a state of illness, the potential for the body to enter the virus is even greater because of weak immune systems. So, try to maintain adequate diet and rest so that your immune system is strong.

6. Avoid physical contact with new people there

That is important, but that does not mean you should not meet with the people there, this is done to anticipate and be on guard, because we do not know that the people around you are infected with firus or not, then you should limit physical contact with new people there yeah ..

Well that's her tips to prevent contracting the virus when traveling abroad, always maintain health and personal hygiene and be careful if you want to travel abroad, especially in Asia. May be useful